New: Import your own Teachable Machine model! 🎉
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Name your Figma layers automatically with AI
Tired to rename all your layers? (If you rename them) Thanks to artificial intelligence, it’s now automatic!

48k happy designers
Rename all layers in one click
Rename all your Figma design layers in one single click. That's pretty much it.

Keep your components names
Figma Autoname will detect & prevent renaming of your components & instances layers.
Free & Open Source
The usage of the plugin is completely free, the code is also released on the MIT licence. Feel free to contribute!

Rename your Figma layers in one click
Start saving your time and finally, having more pleasure crafting great designs.

People love Figma Autoname
@figma please send him a prize, a beer, an icecream, swag, something!
Edgar Navarro
Design, Innovation & Strategy at Yomexiro
You’ll go down in history forever for this.
Charles Patterson
Senior staff Product Designer
Oh, that’s pretty cool.
Vitaly Friedman
Co-founder of Smashing Magazine
Found this yesterday and I was so amazed. Very helpful.
Product Designer
Made with Svelte
Released under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2022 - Present Hugo Duprez